Building Bluefish Cove
"Last Summer at Bluefish Cove" is a play by Jane Chambers about life, love, and loss in a lesbian beach colony. Supposedly, the show goes up this weekend at Carleton College, but the set is monstrous and far from being done. What do you do when you have an important message to get across but only half a space to do it in?
Why, you make a video about it!
This video was created for my "Creating Journalism" class.
So, for those of you concerned. No. I have not quite dropped off the face of the earth - I have been re-engulfed by the theater, and as you can see in the video, it's pretty engulfing. If you're around Carleton at all, definitely drop in and see the show, it's looking amazing. The cast is stellar, the script is really solid, and I swear, with the blogosphere as my witness, that the set will get build. Plus, how could it fail with posters like this?