Wonder Woman and a Man in a Thong

Back when I was better about keeping this blog, I kept a careful eye on the little site tracker at the bottom and noticed that a large number of people came across a particular post of mine because they searched for the title. They were probably very disappointed. (go ahead, click it. you know you want to...)

Anyway, this post title will likely generate traffic from similarly disappointed folk, but there's nothing I like better than disappointing people searching for distasteful things on the internet (ha!)

I just closed out a show last week with Bedlam Theatre's Ten Minute Community Play Festival and I was super proud of my hard working cast. I directed "My Name is Art" by Peter Snoad (blurb from a previous show of his here, a romp through a modern art museum that goes awry when Art himself shows up asking for donations.

Costuming for the show included embroidering Michaelangelo's David onto the front of a man-thong.

Talk about high art...

Below is the Cast looking adorable. These guys are great. This is the least obscene picture I took of the actor playing Art, and everyone who saw Set B (particularly from downstage left during the infamous scissor kick) really should have taken him out to a nice dinner first.

And now for Wonder Woman:

Uploading these pictures prompted me to empty my camera and I found this awesome knitting project I had almost forgotten about. Inspired by an impromptu dorky bonding session while assistant directing "Planting Shelly Anne" with the Workhaus Collective I knit the director a little Wonder Woman as a token of appreciation and it's gotta be the coolest thing I've ever made. I based it off of the Rock Star Dolls in the Stitch and Bitch Nation book with lots of titchy little changes as I went along. I've devoted an entire Picasa web album to the project, so you know I'm serious.
Knit Wonder Woman!


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