AFF 2013 Fringe PlayList: Family Fringe

Sure, there's some dark, twisted, crazy, profane stuff in the Atlanta Fringe, but that doesn't mean you gotta leave the family at home. In fact, there are several shows that designate themselves as Family Friendly.

For example, my show!

Queen of Delicious Animals is a storytelling show, written and performed by yours truly, about growing up with farm animals and competitive livestock showmanship. It deals with success, failure, and the life lessons you pick up from cows, chickens, pigs and other animals. There are a few references to what happens when you have to clean out a pen, but it's got a good message and the lessons I learned as a kid could probably help other kids. I'd say it's good for ages ten and up. Come on down!

Other Family Friendly shows include:

Is That Your Reel Hair?
Performer Tiffanie Bridges recounts the tragedy of “the 6th Grade Hair Fiasco,” transforming into pop culture icons along the way.

Who K’new 
With a mix of comedy, drama, and romance, writer Kimberly L. Morgan tells the story of her first love. Based on her novel of the same name.

 And They Said I Wouldn’t Make It…
NuVisions of Excellence presents a story of hope and triumph about an 8 year old boy who beats the odds when he is diagnosed with leukemia. Based on the playwright's life story. 

 Chance and Choice
The Charlotte-based Ws Project presents a choose-your-own-adventure-style dance concert, where the audience shapes the show. 

 For teens, we have:
Feel the Power of the Dork Side
Comedian/Professor Dr. Pete Ludovice puts a fun twist on science and engineering, explaining the mysteries of the universe with humor. Good for nerds and non-nerds alike! Rated PG-13 for "examin[ing] the edgier side of the technical literature."
Them Shoes and Other Shorts
Created, devised and performed by the students at the Horizons School, this evening of madness and mayhem is what happens when you let creative students run loose in an experimental theater workshop. They warn: not for the faint of heart of sound of mind.


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