Look Ma, I'm a Vlogger!
Guess what?!!?! I spent a good part of yesterday clambering around on the playground equipment outside our apartments with a camera and edited pretty much all of last night that wasn’t taken up by the wonderful dinner party Joe, Kristen and Jeremy threw (complete with delicious spaghetti, swing dancing, my chocolate fondue, and an exploding table and wine glass), and voila! I gots me a vlog!!!
By the way, if you’re looking for either a place to host your stuff, or a repository of other people’s stuff, check out blip.tv They’re a pretty sweet site and I just put the other videos on my blog up there, so check them out. In fact, today my movie "The Dead Menace" is on their "Don't Miss" list!!
But, first – my inaugural videoblog post - complete with Garageband soundtrack, one-handed camera work and a really cool shot of me going down a slide. Enjoy!
Watch the Video
Or watch it with Quicktime here
By the way, if you’re looking for either a place to host your stuff, or a repository of other people’s stuff, check out blip.tv They’re a pretty sweet site and I just put the other videos on my blog up there, so check them out. In fact, today my movie "The Dead Menace" is on their "Don't Miss" list!!
But, first – my inaugural videoblog post - complete with Garageband soundtrack, one-handed camera work and a really cool shot of me going down a slide. Enjoy!
Watch the Video
Or watch it with Quicktime here
i really enjoyed it. keep 'em coming!
This is the time, if you want to or not. There is now a choice.
You don't have to vlog all of the time. Mix and match. Go with the flow. Your mileage will vary.
Main thing is have fun. I promise that if you keep blogging/vlogging the adventures are gonna run up and hug you. They have for me.
Oh, and yay Berlin! If you can find a beer called Andechs anywhere (check out Kaufhoff (or Kaufhaus; I can't really remember what it's called anymore); they generally have a pretty good selection), try it. Def my fav.
Bis spaeter!
Just thought your eager fans would want to know. :)
Seriously tho.. I enjoyed this first vlog like I enjoyed the Belgian marzepan chocolate I ate this afternoon. I might one day learn to spell marzepan too.. that will be a great day. Im adding you to my vlog roll.. because thats where you belong.. with ze vloggers!
(PS@Mark: it's 'Marsepein' :))