The Oncoming Fringe Storm


Guess what!!?!!

Hotlanta, land of fluffy biscuits and beautiful graveyards and occasional freak ice storms is F-I-N-A-L-L-Y getting a Fringe Festival. And I'm a part of making it happen.

And it's happening this May. We have 29 artists, some from our own back yard, some from all over the country, even one from Italy (and it's opera! Classy!) And, extra exciting, partner in crime Ben Egerman is bringing DO NOT KILL ME KILLER ROBOTS! I can't wait to see his cardboard robotic fury unleashed on this city. It will rock.

Right now, we're in the middle of our big crowd sourced funding campaign through Indie Go-Go, and we can use all the support we can get. So give if you can, and spread the word so Atlanta can become a supportive hive for artists, and we can all see Ben's awesome robot show! Click the nifty widget below to go to the campaign page:

Plus, as an extra incentive, there's a significant chance the doodles, poems, and tear-stained love letters will come directly from yours truly, as resident doodler of the steering committee. And yes, I take requests. Especially that involve unlikely animals. Like, say, if a velociraptor had a baby with a muffin:

It doesn't get more fringe than that, right?


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